Mobilisation and Enactment of Malaysian ESL Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: From Professional Learning to Professional Practice
(Cynthia C. James & Lee Kean Wah, 2020)
Recent Developments in Technology-Enhanced and Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 279-315, IGI Global

Exploring a Transformative Teacher Professional Development Model to Engender Technology Integration in the 21st Century ESL Language Classrooms
(Lee Kean Wah & Cynthia. C. James, 2018)
International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), 8(4), 13–31. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJCALLT.2018100102
Link to the article: International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT) 8(4)
You can also send me an e-mail if you'd like a copy of the article.
Going Digital: Enhancing TPACK and Inspiring Digital Immigrant Teachers for 21st Century Teaching through Professional Learning Community
(Cynthia C. James and Associate Professor Dr. Lee Kean Wah, 2016)
Presented at International Conference on Education at Meritz Hotel Miri, Sarawak, 17 – 19 October 2016
For more details, visit the project's official website: Going Digital Kota Kinabalu and the Facebook page: Going Digital Kota Kinabalu Facebook
Improving Children's Writing Skills through Digital Story Prompts and Feedback
(Cynthia C. James, 2016)
Published by Cambridge University Press Teacher Research Programme
This project won the 2015 Cambridge University Press Teacher Research Programme.
Link to the research report
Link to three blog posts on the research on Cambridge University Press ELT Blog
Link to my presentation at IATEFL 2016 conference at Birmingham, UK
To learn more about Teacher Research Programme, go here.
The Story Makers: Kidblog, Whatsapp and Story-writing with Children
(Cynthia C. James, 2015)
Presented at International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICELT), Hotel Equatorial Melaka, 19 – 21 October 2015
Creating Story Prompts: The Impact of Technology and Writing Pedagogy Integration on Reluctant Writers’ Attitude towards Narrative Writing
(Cynthia C. James, 2015)
Presented at ELTC Symposium, Royale Bintang Hotel, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, 27 – 29 October 2015
(Cynthia C. James, 2015)
Presented at ELTC Symposium, Royale Bintang Hotel, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, 27 – 29 October 2015
Engaging Reluctant Readers through Audiobook Project
(Cynthia C. James, 2015)
International Journal on E-Learning Practices (IJELP), Volume 2
Published by UMS Publications
To view / download the e-version of the journal: click on the picture or go to the link below, select '2015 Volume 2' then click 'Enter'.
The link: International Journal on E-Learning Practices (IJELP), 2015, Volume 2
(Cynthia C. James, 2015)
International Journal on E-Learning Practices (IJELP), Volume 2
Published by UMS Publications
To view / download the e-version of the journal: click on the picture or go to the link below, select '2015 Volume 2' then click 'Enter'.
The link: International Journal on E-Learning Practices (IJELP), 2015, Volume 2
The Use of Audiobooks in Improving Reading Comprehension and Changing Perception of Reading among Reluctant Readers
(Cynthia C. James, 2015)
Presented at 24th International MELTA Conference 2015 at The Royale Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
(1st - 3rd June 2015)
Conference presentation slides (on Academia)
Conference presentation slides (on Slideshare)
You can also find my article on the topic (and a lot of other articles by other authors/presenters) in the Proceedings of the 24th MELTA International Conference.
This presentation has won the Basil Wijasuriya Silver Award for Outstanding Conference Presentation.
(Cynthia C. James, 2015)
Presented at 24th International MELTA Conference 2015 at The Royale Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
(1st - 3rd June 2015)
Conference presentation slides (on Academia)
Conference presentation slides (on Slideshare)
You can also find my article on the topic (and a lot of other articles by other authors/presenters) in the Proceedings of the 24th MELTA International Conference.
This presentation has won the Basil Wijasuriya Silver Award for Outstanding Conference Presentation.
Reaching Beyond the Classroom: Creating Sustainable Learning Opportunities through Home-School Partnership
(Cynthia C. James and Justyna Skowronska, 2015)
Presented at British Council's ELTDP Symposium 2015 at Hilton Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak
(4th - 6th March 2015)
Conference presentation slides (on Academia)
Conference presentation slides (on Slideshare)
Reaching Beyond the Classroom: Creating Sustainable Learning Opportunities through Home-School Partnership
(Cynthia C. James and Justyna Skowronska, 2015)
Presented at British Council's ELTDP Symposium 2015 at Hilton Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak
(4th - 6th March 2015)
Conference presentation slides (on Academia)
Conference presentation slides (on Slideshare)
Changing Children's Perception of Reading through Parental Involvement
(Cynthia C. James and Justyna Skowronska, 2013)
Presented at British Council's 'Teacher as Researcher' Symposium at Hilton Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak (20th - 22nd February 2013)
(Cynthia C. James and Justyna Skowronska, 2013)
Presented at British Council's 'Teacher as Researcher' Symposium at Hilton Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak (20th - 22nd February 2013)
Conference presentation slides
Presentation handout
Presentation video
Blog post related to the research
Presentation handout
Presentation video
Blog post related to the research
Fostering the Love of Reading and Learning through a Community Outreach Project
(Cynthia C. James, Norainah Arif and Sheena Sheery A. Gom, 2014)
Presented at 12th Asia TEFL International Conference and 23rd MELTA International Conference at Borneo Convention Centre, Kuching, Sarawak
(28th - 30th August 2014)
Presented at 12th Asia TEFL International Conference and 23rd MELTA International Conference at Borneo Convention Centre, Kuching, Sarawak
(28th - 30th August 2014)
Family Involvement in Language Learning
(Cynthia C. James, 2013, pp. 20-21)
Narratives of Teacher Development: Reading and Speaking (Edited by Simon Borg)
Published by British Council

Click on the picture above or follow this link to download the whole volume:
Narratives of Teacher Development: Reading and Speaking
IDCA Model: Creating a Balance between Examination-Oriented Activities and Meaningful Language Learning
(Cynthia C. James, 2015, p. 25)
in Teachers Research! edited by Deborah Bullock and Richard Smith, published by IATEFL Research SIG. The book is based on the 2014 Teachers Research! Event in Harrogate, UK.
Click on the picture to view / download the book:

or follow this link: Teachers Research!
IDCA Model: Creating the Balance between Examination-Oriented Activities and Meaningful Language Learning
(Cynthia C. James, 2013)
Presented at International Conference on Languages, Linguistics and Society (ICLALIS) at Promenade Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
(22 - 24 October 2014)
Conference presentation slides
Narratives of Teacher Development: Reading and Speaking (Edited by Simon Borg)
Published by British Council
Click on the picture above or follow this link to download the whole volume:
Narratives of Teacher Development: Reading and Speaking
IDCA Model: Creating a Balance between Examination-Oriented Activities and Meaningful Language Learning
(Cynthia C. James, 2015, p. 25)
in Teachers Research! edited by Deborah Bullock and Richard Smith, published by IATEFL Research SIG. The book is based on the 2014 Teachers Research! Event in Harrogate, UK.
Click on the picture to view / download the book:

or follow this link: Teachers Research!
IDCA Model: Creating the Balance between Examination-Oriented Activities and Meaningful Language Learning
(Cynthia C. James, 2013)
Presented at International Conference on Languages, Linguistics and Society (ICLALIS) at Promenade Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
(22 - 24 October 2014)
Conference presentation slides
IDCA Model: Creating a Balance between Examination-Oriented Activities and Meaningful Language Learning (Poster Presentation)
(Cynthia C. James, 2014)
Presented at IATEFL Research SIG Pre-Conference Event, at the 48th International Annual IATEFL Conference and Exhibitions at Harrogate International Centre (HIC), Harrogate, United Kingdom
Article on IDCA Model
Video of presentation on IATEFL Research SIG website
'Extracting the Juice' Workshops
'Extracting the Juice' is a series of workshops that I've conducted based on the IDCA Model for English teachers in Kunak, Semporna, Tawau and Kota Kinabalu in 2013. Follow the link to view and/or download the presentation slides for the workshops.
'Extracting the Juice: Creativity in the Classroom' Part 1 - 4 (Course Materials)
Pre-Writing Module 1: Developing Basic Sentence Construction Skill Among Weaker Upper Primary Pupils
(Cynthia C. James, 2013)
Presented at 22nd MELTA International Conference in Persada Johor Convention Centre, Johor Bahru, Johor (28th - 30th May 2013)
Conference presentation slides
Conference proceeding
*The presentation has won the Basil Wijasuriya Gold Award at the 22nd MELTA Conference.
**I've been awarded the Sabah State Innovative Teacher (3rd Place) in 2013 through my work with the Pre-Writing Module 1.
Video of presentation on IATEFL Research SIG website
'Extracting the Juice' Workshops
'Extracting the Juice' is a series of workshops that I've conducted based on the IDCA Model for English teachers in Kunak, Semporna, Tawau and Kota Kinabalu in 2013. Follow the link to view and/or download the presentation slides for the workshops.
'Extracting the Juice: Creativity in the Classroom' Part 1 - 4 (Course Materials)
Pre-Writing Module 1: Developing Basic Sentence Construction Skill Among Weaker Upper Primary Pupils
(Cynthia C. James, 2013)
Presented at 22nd MELTA International Conference in Persada Johor Convention Centre, Johor Bahru, Johor (28th - 30th May 2013)
Conference presentation slides
Conference proceeding
*The presentation has won the Basil Wijasuriya Gold Award at the 22nd MELTA Conference.
**I've been awarded the Sabah State Innovative Teacher (3rd Place) in 2013 through my work with the Pre-Writing Module 1.
Preparing Digital Immigrant teachers to teach in connected classrooms via Digital storytelling (GloCALL Conference, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2012)
Integrating Technologies into the Language Curriculum via Digital Storytelling (SEAAIR Conference, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 2012)
Research projects / grants:
Associate Researcher for Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Faculty of Psychology & Education - Exploring the Development of Vietnamese University Students’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) through Digital Materials Development (Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education grant)
Associate Researcher for Universiti Malaysia Sabah – Exploring the Development of TESL Student Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) through Digital Language Learning Materials (DLLM) (Universiti Malaysia Sabah grant)
If you would like to have more information on any of the above projects, or if you're interested in working together, feel free to contact me at ccindyjames@gmail.com
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